Division of Research Safety

A unit of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation

University of Illinois

Promoting a culture of safety through the implementation and oversight of comprehensive safety programs, building partnerships, and providing key services.


Contact DRS immediately to report any incident or near miss (e.g. "close call") at 217-333-2755 or drs@illinois.edu. DRS will complete a follow-up report detailing the events that led to the incident or near miss. For more information see the Incident Reporting and Investigation page.
Do you need a radiation permit to purchase Uranium or Thorium? Not necessarily however, campus is required to track radioactive materials. Click here for additional information on how to order and track these materials.

DRS created a new instructional video to demonstrate how to perform autoclave waste validations.

The video can be found on the media tab at the top of the DRS website or can be accessed by clicking here.